Front Fender 1999 Vulcan 500

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Front Fender 1999 Vulcan 500

Postby charnotx » Mon Aug 17, 2015 2:57 pm

Hi all, been getting closer to having Hephaestus back on the road, and one thing that I still am looking for is a front fender that doesn't cost an arm and a leg. Does anyone know if there are any interchangeable fenders for this model? Perhaps the EN500-C1 (early years), or a different model Vulcan? About the lowest I have found for a OEM style fender is about $50, but I'm hoping to find something for about half that. The bike is black, so I'm looking for the same, but can always paint it myself if I have to.

thanks for any help in figure out interchangeable fenders for this model!

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Re: Front Fender 1999 Vulcan 500

Postby Triangles » Mon Aug 24, 2015 8:56 pm

all EN500C aka 500 LTD's fenders are the same, just different paint. $50 sounds pretty reasonable. I think I paid $150 for mine after my little fender bender. The vulcan 800's were very similar. You could check the parts interchange to see if one of those might work.

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Re: Front Fender 1999 Vulcan 500

Postby charnotx » Tue Aug 25, 2015 11:58 am

Hey Triangles,

I meant EN500A from like 1990-1995 I believe, the one with the more rounded, less elongated, fender. I know that all the LTDs are the same as I have both a 99 and 09 model.

As for the parts interchange, I have been trying to get that to work, both with your instructions and just navigating the kawasaki website, but for the life of me I can't seem to get to it. I'll keep trying.

I'll probably just bite the bullet and get the one I've been watching, but since I'm in the process of altering other aspects for the front end, I figured I'd see if anyone knew of interchangeable fenders.

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Re: Front Fender 1999 Vulcan 500

Postby Triangles » Fri Aug 28, 2015 10:05 am

I'm fairly sure all the EN500A's fenders are the same. Possibly even the same as the 454 LTD fender. I just did a quick check of their parts diagrams and it appears to be broken. I don't know why they screwed it all up and made it basically non functional. Hopefully they will have it working again so you can click on a part for a given bike and see what other bikes it's used on.

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Re: Front Fender 1999 Vulcan 500

Postby charnotx » Tue Sep 01, 2015 11:38 am

I get that all the EN500As are the same within EN500A, and that all the EN500Cs are the same within EN500C. What I'm trying to determine is if they interchange between each other. They are two distinctly different fenders. The EN500A is more rounded and looks shorter, while the EN500C is longer and looks more raised.

I can't get the photos to link, despite changing the size and resolution (though your message currently states "... and at most 0 pixels wide and 900 pixels high" which I think is a typo), so I have linked to them:

EN500A: ... sp=sharing
EN500C: ... sp=sharing

The reason I'm asking is because the one that consistently comes up as EN500A is roughly half the price of the one that comes up as EN500C. Since I like both, I wanted to know before deciding either way.

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Re: Front Fender 1999 Vulcan 500

Postby Triangles » Tue Sep 01, 2015 12:24 pm

I think the spacing between the forks is slightly different. Also the forks themselves are on the EN500A are smaller in diameter. I sold my EN500A to a friend who lives a few hours away so it would be a while before I could find out. I'm willing to bet you're not willing to wait that long. I'll call him and measure the distance between the forks that should tell us pretty quickly if it's even remotely feasible.

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Re: Front Fender 1999 Vulcan 500

Postby charnotx » Tue Sep 01, 2015 1:55 pm

That's what I was figuring is that it was a different bolt spacing and riding height of the underside. I wasn't sure if the forks were different or not, since the ones I just bought and rebuilt were from another 500C. I'm actually not in a huge hurry, as it wont prevent me from being able to ride, I just am on the look out and want to get all the information I can before making a purchase. Any information would be awesome! Thanks for the help, Triangles!

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Re: Front Fender 1999 Vulcan 500

Postby Triangles » Sun Sep 06, 2015 8:33 am

the width (+- 1/8") at the mounting point for the 500A is about 5.5" and 6" for the 500C. You might be able to make it work with some spacers with a 500A fender on a 500C but obviously not vice versa.

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Re: Front Fender 1999 Vulcan 500

Postby Triangles » Sun Sep 06, 2015 1:34 pm

It looks like the EN500A fender is adaptable. The hole patterns match.
Hole patterns match
IMG_0896.jpg (108.88 KiB) Viewed 20836 times

You would probably want to use a some washers or make your own spacers about 1/8th - 3/32nd inch on both sides to make up for the narrower 500A fender. I'm guessing probably 2 thick washer on both sides might do the trick There is quite a bit of flex to the fender so you wouldn't have to be exact.
IMG_0898.jpg (150.95 KiB) Viewed 20836 times

IMG_0901.jpg (140.19 KiB) Viewed 20836 times

IMG_0902.jpg (158.77 KiB) Viewed 20836 times

it's a little hard to tell from the mangled EN500C fender but they are both about 4" depth from centerline of the holes to inside top of fender so they should sit with approximately the same amount of tire clearance.
EN500A tire clearance
IMG_0899.jpg (126.49 KiB) Viewed 20836 times

EN500C tire clearance
IMG_0900.jpg (167.02 KiB) Viewed 20836 times

I didn't have my EN500C with me so I couldn't show you how it would fit.

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Re: Front Fender 1999 Vulcan 500

Postby charnotx » Mon Sep 14, 2015 7:52 am

Hey Triangles!

Thank you so much for taking the time to look into this! This is great to hear, as I like the 500A a bit more. And the photos are especially helpful. Hopefully it will benefit others as much it does me.

Best, charnotx

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Re: Front Fender 1999 Vulcan 500

Postby Triangles » Mon Sep 14, 2015 9:29 pm

I would like to see a pic of it installed if u get one. I had planned to ride my EN500C and "install" the EN500A fender. However I failed to anticipate the logistics of transporting 2 humans and 2 dogs. Then I remembered that I still have my old mangled fender so I just grabbed it and opted for 4 wheels.

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