Not a beginning rider but new to the Vulcan 500

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Not a beginning rider but new to the Vulcan 500

Postby shadowguy » Wed Mar 07, 2012 9:54 am

Okay, this is a dumb question and probably one I can find the answer to with a little research, but if I can take the lazy guy's way out I'll do it. I've seen designations for the Vulcans as EN500A and EN500C. So, I'm curious, which is which? Does that have to do with the year of manufacture or some sort of extra doo-dads Kawi decided to toss on the bike (like the Honda Shadow ACE and Honda Shadow ACE Deluxe-one of which has brushed aluminum finished engine parts and the other chrome-you can probably guess which is which)? And what happened to the EN500B?

Yep, that was actually several dumb questions. Bear with me because I'm sure there's a lot more where that came from. :shock:
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Re: Not a beginning rider but new to the Vulcan 500

Postby Triangles » Thu Mar 08, 2012 1:58 pm

I also wonder why they skipped EN500B.
There's a little history on the front page of the website. I should update it someday.
EN500A is the first gen '90-'96 "Vulcan 500"
EN500C is the second gen '96-'09 "Vulcan 500 LTD"
Yes both models were available in '96

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