Hate to complain but......

How can this site be improved?
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Hate to complain but......

Postby Turbojoe » Mon Dec 19, 2011 12:06 am

Maybe it's just me but the shade of green used here just drives me nuts. I understand green being associated with Kawasaki but for some reason this shade irritates me. I can deal with it but if future updates are planned I'd love to see a darker color/shade change.

The nonsensical ravings of a lunatic mind.....

2004 Vulcan 500

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Re: Hate to complain but......

Postby Triangles » Fri Dec 23, 2011 8:04 am

:lol: I feel your pain. I picked Kawasaki green when I first set this forum up and absolutely hated it! I was dead set on changing it, but couldn't decide on a color. Then the green has grown on me. Maybe some day when I have to reconfigure the forum I'll change the color.

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