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Howdy y'all!

Posted: Sat Jun 01, 2013 5:15 pm
by DaveyG
New guy here, but not new to bikes, have owned 15 or more different types of bikes over the last 15 years, from 100cc to 1100cc, used to be a tech at a local stealership, have worked on a few 500 Vulcans as well as a couple 500 Ninjas over the years. I went and talked my best friend into getting a 1993 500 Vulcan, good news is he got it for a song ($300, with 30k miles) but we've got one or two curious issues that've got me stumped, pretty sure it's carb related, so I'll stick my head over in the carb section in a minute. Just wanted to say Hi first! Looks like a great forum!